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All the States That Help You Pay for College

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The average annual cost of tuition, for in-state students, at a four-year public university is $10,740. For a year at a community college, it’s $3,800. And that’s before books and supplies, room and board, transportation and other expenses, according to Forbes.
A private four-year university? That averages more than $38,000 a year in tuition, per Forbes.
But the cost of tuition doesn’t mean you have to put your education dreams on hold or take out a massive student loan. A variety of states have programs that will cover tuition and assorted fees, putting you on a debt-free path to success — if you know where to look.
GOBankingRates reviewed the states that offer grants and scholarships for financial assistance for a good chunk of your tuition costs and also found some alternate options for funding. If you’re interested, read the fine print on the eligibility requirements for factors such as financial need, grades, the occupations of your parents and even the age at which you apply. Here’s the list of states offering generous tuition benefits to in-state residents.
The Alaska Performance Scholarship allows a student to earn up to $19,020 for their education.
The Arkansas Future Grant can cover tuition and general mandatory fees.
Also available are the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship, Arkansas Concurrent Challenge, Arkansas Health Education Grant, Arkansas Workforce Challenge, Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship and the State Teacher Education Program.
No-cost tuition and loan forgiveness programs are available for students who want to become teachers. Students at the state’s public universities — Arizona State, Arizona and Northern Arizona — can apply to the Arizona Teachers Academy, which provides tuition coverage for students who agree to teach in Arizona schools.
Need-based Cal Grants are for students attending schools in the University of California, California State University or California Community College systems, or qualifying independent and career colleges or technical schools in the state.
Also available are the Golden State Education and Training Grant, California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth, Middle Class Scholarship, California Military Department GI Bill Award Program, Law Enforcement Personnel Dependents Grant Program, Golden State Teacher Grant Program and California Dream Act Service Incentive Program.
The College Opportunity Fund provides a stipend to eligible undergraduate students and pays a portion of the total in-state tuition when you attend a participating college.
Also available are the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid, Dependent Tuition Assistance Program and Colorado Work Study Programs.
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The B. Bradford Barnes and Herman M. Holloway Sr. memorial scholarships pay full tuition and required fees at the University of Delaware. Educational Benefits for Children of Deceased Veterans and Others funds full tuition and required fees at all public in-state colleges.
Also available are the Charles L. Hebner Memorial Scholarship, Diamond State Scholarship and Scholarship Incentive Program.
The Georgia Public Safety Memorial Grant pays cost of attendance, minus any other financial aid, at an eligible postsecondary institution in the state, not to exceed $18,000 per award year. Eligibility is limited to dependent children of public safety officers who were permanently disabled or killed in line of duty.
Also available are the Georgia HOPE Scholarship, Zel Miller Grant, Georgia College Completion Grant, Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant Program, Georgia HERO Scholarship and REACH Georgia Scholarship Program.
With the Hawaii Promise Scholarship program, students may be eligible up to the amount of the total cost of University of Hawaii direct costs, including tuition.
Also available are the State of Hawaii B+ Scholarship, Regents and Presidential Scholarship, UH Manoa Provost Scholarship, UH Hilo Chancellor Scholarship and The Second Century Scholarship.
The Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship is intended to cover any remaining gap between federal and state grants/scholarships and tuition and qualified fees at eligible colleges.
Multiple grants and scholarships are also available, including: Iowa Tuition Grant, Kibbie Grant (Iowa Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant), Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship, Iowa Vocational-Technical Tuition Grant, Karen Misjak GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship and Education And Training Voucher.
The 21st Century Scholarship is Indiana’s early college promise program. It offers income-eligible Hoosier students up to four years of paid tuition at an eligible Indiana college or university. To be considered, students must enroll in seventh or eighth grade.
Also available are Scholarships for Teachers, EARN Indiana, Frank O’Bannon Grant, Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship, Adult Student Grant, Workforce Ready Grant, Financial Aid for Military and Public Safety Officers, Fast Track.
The Kansas Comprehensive Grant is available to Kansas residents with financial need enrolled full-time at one of 18 private colleges and universities located in the state, the six state universities and Washburn University.
Multiple other grants and scholarships are available, including the Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant, Kansas Computer Science Educator Scholarship and Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship.
The Louisiana Geaux Teach Scholarship Program awards up to $5,000 for future teachers studying at eligible institutions.
Also available are the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students, Rockefeller Wildlife Scholarship, Chafee Educational and Training Program, Strategies to Empower People Educational Program and GO Grant.
The Guaranteed Access Grant is a need-based grant that provides 100% of the student’s financial need to eligible applicants.
Also available are the Educational Assistance Grant, Campus Based Educational Assistance Grant, 2+2 Transfer Scholarship, Part-Time Grant, Graduate & Professional Scholarship Program, Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship, Near Completer Grant and Delegate Scholarship.
The Minnesota State Grant program helps students from low- to moderate-income families pay for college.
Also available are the Postsecondary Child Care Grant, Scholarships Offered by Minnesota Institutions, Minnesota Indian Scholarship, Minnesota GI Bill, Federal TEACH Grant, Dual Training Grant and Grants for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
The A+ Scholarship Program will reimburse, within limits, the unpaid balance of your tuition and general fees after all available, non-loan federal financial assistance has been applied to your account.
Also available are the Access Missouri Program, Advanced Placement Incentive Grant, Bright Flight Program, Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Scholarship, Fast Track Incentive Grant, Kids’ Chance Program, Marguerite Ross Barnett Program, Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program, Public Service Officer Survivor Grant and Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant.
The 2 + 2 Honor Scholarship is awarded annually to students who graduate with an associate degree from a two-year campus of the Montana University System or a Montana community college. It waives undergraduate tuition at any four-year state school and may be received up to four continuous semesters.
Also available are the Montana University System Honor Scholarship and Montana’s STEM Scholarship.
North Dakota
The ND Scholars Award provides merit-based, full-tuition scholarships to qualifying North Dakota high school graduates who stay in North Dakota to earn a first bachelor’s degree.
Also available are the North Dakota State Grant; Academic, CTE and ND Scholarships; Native American Scholarship; ND Career Builders Scholarship and Loan Repayment; Dual Credit Tuition Scholarship and Professional Student Exchange Program.
New Jersey
The Tuition Aid Grant is among the most generous need-based financial aid programs in the nation, covering up to the full tuition.
Also available are the Community College Opportunity Grant and New Jersey Scholarship Program.
New Mexico
The New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship covers costs that include full tuition and fees at New Mexico public colleges and universities.
Multiple other grants and scholarships are available, including the New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship Program, Athletic Scholarship, Fire Fighters and Peace Officers Survivors Scholarship, Graduate Scholarship, Grow Your Own Teachers, New Mexico Scholars, Student Incentive Grant Program, Teacher Preparation Affordability Scholarship Program, Wartime & Vietnam Veterans Scholarship and Work Study Program.
The Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship awards up to $10,000 in tuition to Nevada residents who study at an in-state college or university.
New York
The Excelsior Scholarship covers tuition for eligible students in the SUNY and CUNY systems. For the 2023-24 academic year, families who earned $125,000 or less in the tax year 2021 are eligible to apply.
Also available are Enhanced Tuition Awards, New York State Part-time Scholarship Award, NYS Child Welfare Worker Incentive Scholarship Program and NYS Scholarships for Academic Excellence.
Oklahoma’s Promise allows students in eighth through eleventh grades to enroll in the program in advance of their postsecondary education. Recipients must be from families meeting income requirements to earn a college or technology center tuition scholarship.
The Oregon Promise Grant helps to cover tuition costs at any Oregon community college.
Also available are the Oregon Opportunity Grant, Oregon Tribal Student Grant, Chafee Training and Education Grant, Oregon Student Child Care Grant, Deceased or Disabled Public Safety Officer Grant, Oregon Barber and Hairdresser Grant Program and Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance.
Rhode Island
With the CollegeBound Fund Academic Promise Scholarship, awarded students can expect anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000 in grant awards per year.
Also available is the Rhode Island State Grant.
South Dakota
The South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship provides up to $7,500 over four years to a qualifying student who attends an eligible college, university or technical school in the state.
Also available are the Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship, Dakota Corps Scholarship, Jump Start Scholarship and Need Based Scholarship.
The Tennessee Hope Scholarship awards up to $2,250 per semester to full-time students in the first two years at a four-year college and $2,850 in the final two. Students in two-year programs can receive up to $1,600 per semester for four semesters.
Also available are the Tennessee Reconnect Grant, Tennessee STEP UP Scholarship, Aspire Award, Dual Enrollment Grant, Tennessee Promise Scholarship and Tennessee Student Assistance Award.
With the Toward EXcellence Access and Success Grant Program, an eligible student may receive up to $5,387 per semester at an approved school for the 2023-24 academic year.
Also available are the Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Program and Tuition Equalization Grant Program.
The Utah Promise Grant expands access to higher education opportunities to Utahns with demonstrated financial need.
Also available are the Prime Program Grant, T.H. Bell Education Scholarship, Technical Education Scholarship Program, Veterans Tuition Gap Program, Adult Learner Grant Program and NASA Space Grant.
The Virginia Commonwealth Award program can pay up to the cost of full tuition and required fees.
Also available are the Virginia Commonwealth Award, Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program, Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program, Two-Year College Transfer Grant, Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program, and Workforce Credential Grant.
The Washington College Grant awards money for college, certificate programs, job training and apprenticeships. The grant amount depends on family size, income and the cost of your school or program.
The Wisconsin Grant provides assistance to undergraduate, Wisconsin residents enrolled at least half-time in degree or certificate programs at non-profit colleges or universities in the state.
Also available are the Talent Incentive Program Grant, Indian Student Assistance Grant, Minority Undergraduate Retention Grant, Hearing/Visually Impaired Student Grant, Academic Excellence Scholarship and Technical Excellence Scholarship.
West Virginia
West Virginia Invests is a last-dollar in financial aid program that will cover costs of fees and tuition that other financial programs don’t meet. Priority is given to students in specific high-demand fields.
Also available are the Promise Scholarship, WV Higher Education Grant, Underwood Smith Teaching Scholars, WV STEM Scholarship, WV Nursing Scholarship Program and HEAPS Workforce.
Methodology: To find the states with free college options, GOBankingRates researched each state’s educational grants and scholarships to find the best programs. Using the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administration State Financial Aid Programs, GOBankingRates visited the educational sites for each state to find in-state grant and scholarship programs. For each state, a small list of programs and a short description of a key scholarship or grant, when available, is listed. The average cost of schools is used as supplemental information sourced from Forbes.com “Are Community Colleges Free.” All data is up to date as of July 20, 2023.
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