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After saving six figures by age 25, Dunlap left her career in marketing and founded Her First $100K. According to Dunlap, the purpose was to “fight financial inequality by giving women actionable resources to better their money.”
Now a multimillion-dollar business owner, Dunlap has collaborated with a variety of companies and written a New York Times bestseller while traveling the world to write and speak about personal finance, online businesses and confidence for women.
Why She’s One of Money’s Most Influential Women:
Dunlap, who is internationally recognized as a money and career expert, shares easy-to-follow advice and tips in the personal finance space, specifically empowering women to make their best financial choices.
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Money Moves:
Dunlap had saved $100,000 by age 25
Her first book, “Financial Feminist,” is a New York Times Bestseller
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